Face Reading

Your face is your window to the world – your instinctual communication

Face reading has a long history and continues to impress today with its astonishing accuracy. The history of assessing human ability, potential, character and future prospects through the study of physical characteristics (physiognomy) stretching back at least 2500 years.


Physiognomy has flourished since the time of the Greeks, amongst the Chinese and Indians, Romans and in the Arab world. Popularity faded during the 18th century, eclipsed in the 19th century by phrenology and coming full circle again being resurrected by PERSONOLOGISTS in the 20th century.

Dr Edward Vincent Jones, a United States Superior Court Judge, through his work compiled physical traits he saw from every conceivable type of personality related to human character and behaviour, introducing them under the term “Personology”.

Interested in Face Reading?

Face reading is virtually reading the features of the face - not in isolation, but in clusters - to give an overall understanding of how that person instinctually communicates.  Each feature on the face i.e. the eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth and ears reveals something about the person.

Learning to read the face is simple. Each feature has shapes and sizes that are easy to identify a person's personality. The overall shape of the face, forehead, jaw and chin also influence the total picture and once you have learned to identify and know what you are looking for, effective communication is easy. After you determine the shape of a feature there is a definition of a personality trait associated with that feature.

Initially when you start to read faces you simply memorize the definitions. You will find that once you start to apply your knowledge you will gain many more insights into your and others personalities. You can check your impressions with the personality traits listed for the features you are reading, you’ll discover how that person instinctively communicates and this communication will also depend on your own features in comparison.

Some of the benefits that may be gained from using Personology are:

  • Problems in behaviour
  • Choosing a suitable career
  • Finding a compatible partner
  • Identifying hidden talents/skills
  • Greater understanding of others' preferences

Your face is your window to the world – your instinctual communication

  • Did you know that your face can be read like a book?
  • What does your face say?
  • How are you communicating at this subtle level?
  • What do you see in another’s face?
  • What are your instinctive first impressions and why are they formed?
  • How does your genetic inheritance influence your communicating?

Well, what does your face say about you?

Here are some features and descriptions as a guide:
  • If you have a round face shape, your focus is on what you can do for other, you are at your best when you know you are making a better life for those around you.
  • If you have a square face, you have great inner strength and determination. This inner drive needs to be channeled in a positive direction, or it will get you into trouble. Others look up to you.
  • If you have deep set eyes, you are intuitive and you listen to your gut before you listen to other people.
  • If you have eyes that turn down at the outside corners, you feel everything that others around you are feeling. You are compassionate and resilient.
  • If your nose tip turns up, you spend money like water and you find it difficult to save money. You are spontaneous and have a "if it feels good - do it" approach to life.
  • If your ears are close to your head, you are inspired and imaginative. You have trouble living in the 'real' world.
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